Thursday, April 27, 2006


(Photo by Bart)
Having a degree is a hard acomplishment , it means hours days , years of dedication to books and learning…If it comes along with a ” doctor” label , it only sounds good to your ego in the begining …after a while you start getting use to it , and is just another “formal” way to be adressed to , and enventually , you with time , it becomes as normal as your name…no more inflated ego…
Actually it`s the other way around…it implyes responsabilities that sometimes you are just so atached , specially if you`re a workoholic , that the rest of your life , family , old friends , life itself , stays behind and you become a sort of a “machine” …because you have responsabilities !!!
I took my degree in Law , dedicated myself day and night to my work , wanted to be a very good professional , polite , and so on.
But when I had everything (material things) , recognition , respect and great business propositions …my father needed me…
He was dying .
I lived in another town , and he needed me near him.
So I just left my house, the recognition, the bright future ahead , to moove to be near him 24 hours a day…
And I never felt so much love flowing between us , and coming from my heart…
He died peacefully , and when I think od him, I feel the same Peace and Love we both felt in those months , although he was in big pain.
I feel he is so happy with me on the other side !!!
Eventually , I came back to practising Law , but in a diferent way… Analizing the person who was in front of me…his/her pains , the reasons , and started to dedicate more time to my small family , my true friends , and the needy !
And now I lead a more peacefull , fullfilling and happy life than the one I had before.
One situation comes to my mind , among so many that I have passed since I`ve decided to change my posture towards the tool that I have in my hand ( because it is a tool , just like any other worker ) ...
I had a big “drug dealing” case wich involved many people , some of them in jail…And there was this man , who was indicted too , but was outside.All he wanted was his mobil to see the number of his daughter (abroad) , to call her , to say that he was allright.
Months have passed since the group was caught (and that didn`t mean that they were all guilty …that was to be established in court ) and once more he came to my office asking if I given the number already…unfortunatly , I still had nothing for him…it was “evidence” .
I noticed he had loose weight (he didnt tell me anything …he was so polite …but I asked him directly if he had money to eat ) .
He lowed down his head and didn´t say a thing…I took money from my wallet , and gave it to him…he didn´t want to acept…he was ashamed… I insisted he would do it for me…and for his daughter…he acepted looking into my eyes and touching his heart with his hand ( we didn`t speack a common language , so he couldn´t say “thank you” , that was more than a “thank you” ) .
we usually had somebody to interpretate one another , but not that time.
The next time he came to the office , many weeks after, i was going to start speaking , but politly he made a sign with his hand for me to stop , and gave me the exact amount of money I had given to him a few month before…I confess , although it was not too much , it wasn`t that small amount neither !
So he gave me the bill , with a smile in his lips ,and brightness in his eyes , and he wanted to do it BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE WAS SAID !
He was/is a polite, gentle , sweet soul that was caught in the midle of a confusion , in a country that wasn`t his!
Now he`s working …He`s a car engenier for a big company here !
May God Bless him !
Medical doctors , lawyers, a simple person on the street , make the diference in a persons life !It`s not up to us to judge no one , but our father in Heaven .
But we can be HIS hands , mouth , instrument , no matter what our “professional tool” is , by loving “our neighbour” !
You may say …” I Don´t know if he or she is worth it ”…
I found out that EVERYBOY is WORTH IT ( even if you don`t see them anymore) ... because that person may be a wonderfull person , who happens to be there to test you , or if he/ she is not that good , The Lord saw that you have tryied it , and that gesture may just be the key for that person to start believing in life again !
Sorry for such a long comment , but this touches me personally !
With love…


Blogger Ben Harcos said...

Hello, Kalie

You're right. Everybody is worth it. I am not always treating people under this law but as often as I can. Good to see your new posts here.


27 April, 2006  
Blogger Lady Prism said...

Oh' Kalie...what you have written here is so touching and beautiful. It spoke to me so profoundly...

Thank you for writing this...!

I will always bear in mind that "Everybody is Worth It!"

05 May, 2006  
Blogger ACP ( AKA KALIE ) said...

Hi Ben , Hi Lux ...
I`m the one who should thank you guys ...
This is my soul speaking through my fingers using a keyboard...
I Hope that from a far you can feel The TRUE INTENSITY OF LOVE that I have towards YOU , my friends, and all men , women and children who live in worlds of out of this world !

10 May, 2006  

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