Because it`s the crude reality…IT was a nighmare when I first had to moove to another town…It was more than 2 years ago , and there are things , i can`t simply touch because they are still packed and they `ll give a lot of work to organize give…Result »»»I have things packed for more than 2 years , and I don`t know what they are.!…So…..Do I really need them ???!! I never felt any special need from the things of the old house , otherwise they would be outside…In Asia , budist monks make an anual check on their (small ) possessions…If they didn`t use some object in the year before , they get rid of it , so new energies can come in…Why can`t we let it go…What REALLY ties us to things are memories , and shelfisheness…Give away things we bought? No way !But when we " GO " , that is when we leare the ties of this earth , we dont take any earthly thing with us , except our deeds !Everithing else stays here…For others So Why Keep them...? Don`t give them and live to see people happy ?
I waited Years for a certain Book my Grandmother had! Was allways remembering her...This will be your legacy to me...This one in Particular ! How she loved to hear that and smiled when was holding the book in my hand !
One day , she just simply gave it to me , with her kind smile...
I didn`t know what to say...
All her life she loved that book.
I guess she understood that I was spending more time , and caressing the book , exactly like when she was a young girl...~
And now she didn`t touched it too often...
As we lived in separate houses , one day she just went to the shelf , and handed me the book..
I thought it was for me to put once again my fingers in those pages...
But she said...
Take it...It was going to be yours anyway..
And I Know that the joy I felt in my Heart , was not as intense as she had in hers for just looking to my happyness expression!
It may seem dificult in the begining, but after a while , you think that give to others ( needy or just will apreciate those things) is seems a bit like when you taste freedom or an act of love , like my grandmother !
«I`m not a slave of material things » ! Aren`t you , with your designed clothes , or news things in the garbage , because there´s a new version of that thing...
Food , shelter , that`s not our problem...
We have our house....( TODAY)
And that is more …OUTRAGEOUS when we know we can make a HUGE diference , with our SMALL things , SMALL gestures , so SMALL sacrifices !
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