(Photo by Bart)
Having a degree is a hard acomplishment , it means hours days , years of dedication to books and learning…If it comes along with a ” doctor” label , it only sounds good to your ego in the begining …after a while you start getting use to it , and is just another “formal” way to be adressed to , and enventually , you with time , it becomes as normal as your name…no more inflated ego…
Actually it`s the other way around…it implyes responsabilities that sometimes you are just so atached , specially if you`re a workoholic , that the rest of your life , family , old friends , life itself , stays behind and you become a sort of a “machine” …because you have responsabilities !!!
I took my degree in Law , dedicated myself day and night to my work , wanted to be a very good professional , polite , and so on.
But when I had everything (material things) , recognition , respect and great business propositions …my father needed me…
He was dying .
I lived in another town , and he needed me near him.
So I just left my house, the recognition, the bright future ahead , to moove to be near him 24 hours a day…
And I never felt so much love flowing between us , and coming from my heart…
He died peacefully , and when I think od him, I feel the same Peace and Love we both felt in those months , although he was in big pain.
I feel he is so happy with me on the other side !!!
Eventually , I came back to practising Law , but in a diferent way… Analizing the person who was in front of me…his/her pains , the reasons , and started to dedicate more time to my small family , my true friends , and the needy !
And now I lead a more peacefull , fullfilling and happy life than the one I had before.
One situation comes to my mind , among so many that I have passed since I`ve decided to change my posture towards the tool that I have in my hand ( because it is a tool , just like any other worker ) ...
I had a big “drug dealing” case wich involved many people , some of them in jail…And there was this man , who was indicted too , but was outside.All he wanted was his mobil to see the number of his daughter (abroad) , to call her , to say that he was allright.
Months have passed since the group was caught (and that didn`t mean that they were all guilty …that was to be established in court ) and once more he came to my office asking if I given the number already…unfortunatly , I still had nothing for him…it was “evidence” .
I noticed he had loose weight (he didnt tell me anything …he was so polite …but I asked him directly if he had money to eat ) .
He lowed down his head and didn´t say a thing…I took money from my wallet , and gave it to him…he didn´t want to acept…he was ashamed… I insisted he would do it for me…and for his daughter…he acepted looking into my eyes and touching his heart with his hand ( we didn`t speack a common language , so he couldn´t say “thank you” , that was more than a “thank you” ) .
we usually had somebody to interpretate one another , but not that time.
The next time he came to the office , many weeks after, i was going to start speaking , but politly he made a sign with his hand for me to stop , and gave me the exact amount of money I had given to him a few month before…I confess , although it was not too much , it wasn`t that small amount neither !
So he gave me the bill , with a smile in his lips ,and brightness in his eyes , and he wanted to do it BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE WAS SAID !
He was/is a polite, gentle , sweet soul that was caught in the midle of a confusion , in a country that wasn`t his!
Now he`s working …He`s a car engenier for a big company here !
May God Bless him !
Medical doctors , lawyers, a simple person on the street , make the diference in a persons life !It`s not up to us to judge no one , but our father in Heaven .
But we can be HIS hands , mouth , instrument , no matter what our “professional tool” is , by loving “our neighbour” !
You may say …” I Don´t know if he or she is worth it ”…
I found out that EVERYBOY is WORTH IT ( even if you don`t see them anymore) ... because that person may be a wonderfull person , who happens to be there to test you , or if he/ she is not that good , The Lord saw that you have tryied it , and that gesture may just be the key for that person to start believing in life again !
Sorry for such a long comment , but this touches me personally !
With love…