Wednesday, March 08, 2006



We think we`re ETERNAL here , on this Earth…We think the others are as well ( meaning those who we care about) !
But some magic trick happens , we fall on a black hole, the twiligh zone , whatever,and , all of a sudden , 10 years have passed…
Literally passed! What? who? why? ??? Only yesterday that girl was a child ! Just a while ago I bought these clothes , hardly weared them , and now they`re out of fashion ? what? I`m not in my twenties? But I was just a while ago…How can that be? I feel like twenty ! Now I cannot aply for this job because I passed the age they require? Mom? Dad ? Why are you so tired and distant.. because I don`t live with you anymore? What Dad? You have cancer? No…That`s Something for the others, not for you ! I KNOW YOU !
And Suddenly your litle girl here has to take care of you like a baby…like you treated me once…Because no one can face the reality…That the day we`re living may be your last…And you`re so aware of everything…If only you just didn`t realise that you`re loosing the human condition everyday that passes by…If you just didn`t realise how dependant you became from others…
But you do…That`s Why i left everything behind , and i`m here , by your side , hugging you , treating you, LOVING YOU SO VERY MUCH LIKE I NEVER LOVED NO ONE BEFORE !
Leaving house , work , city , everything to be with you…
To fill myself with YOU , before THE TIME arrives…
Now YOU are my child…And I`ll give you all the LOVE you gave me when I was litle…And…HOW I LOVED YOU AND LOOKED UP TO YOU !!!! AS I STILL DO EVEN AFTER YOU´RE GONE YEARS AGO
YEARS? I held your head just a while ago , like i always did !
Sure you`re not in the house? won`t you call me later ? :))))
No , You Won`t . Neither Will mum . She`s there with you !
I Know you`re happy !I FEEL that ! So I`m happy too ! :))))
One day will be my turn…that`s how it works, but i just didn `t imagine it would be this fast !
I`m glad I could spend time with you both, being with you till your departure…
I reorganized then my priorities in life…
And I understood SOO MANY THINGS ABOUT LIFE , DEATH , but mostly about LIVING !!!!!!


Blogger Ben Harcos said...

Dear Kalie

I have been following your posts here and I really like them! I know: It is kind of banal to say that but it is true. Because you give a lot of wisdom. And love. So much love for humanity.

It's also possible - as you have written - that you are channel for those that want to write "through" you. In fact I am sure that this is happening here.

But as you probably know yourself: they can only express themselves to a point that you can handle it without damage.

So that wisdom is in yourself. And though I have cut back on commenting I want you to know that I read your blog and feel very comfortable to be here.

It is as if I was having a great time with a close friend.


15 March, 2006  
Blogger ACP ( AKA KALIE ) said...

Ben.. words aren`t enough to express things too big for us to compreend...YET...You have to feel beyond the words , and they`re just a particle of the whole...
But you felt something TRUE ...An INCONDICIONAL FRIENDSHIP that didn`t start here , in this life ,nor in this time! Pls , be sure of that !
You Uncondicional Friend...
Kalie !

15 March, 2006  

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