Saturday, December 31, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Of my Ancestral Pride
Tell the Well to go when
You are hurt deep inside
Whatever the feeling
Whatever the day
It will help you to go
To go on day by day
I can give you my Voice
Mixed with Rithm and Soul
All the songs that I Love
And the stories I`ve Told
I can give you the Force
That you need to feel well
Though my shoulders seem weak
They are still here to Tell
That i have Within Me
All the forces I Need
Though I´m among the Meek
There`s only One to Seek
Who can give you the Force
Of your Ancestral Pride
And will tell you the Well
To grow Strong deep Inside
So your Soul finally
Can be Happy as Mine.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

You are not what you appear to be in the moments of sadness...You are much more than that !
While others have gone, you`re still here!
Right at this moment, millions of people have given up...
They don`t get bored, don`t cry, they don`t do anything...
They just let time go by...
But you , YOU are sad !
That proves that your soul is still alive !

Earth`s energy needs to be renovated...
New ideas need space...
Body and soul need new challenges...
The future became present , and all the dreams will have the chance to come out...
What is important will stay...
what is unnecessary will disapear...
And because no one is legitimated to evaluate someonelse`s dreams...
We got to keep on believing we are on the right path...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Por enquanto , é um espaço ainda projectado...nâo concretizado !
Há muito material para compilar !
E o tempo escoa-se...
Mas se não acabar...há-de cumprir o seu destino...
For now , it`s just an idea , of a long time ago...far from being acomplished , it `s waiting for lots of material yet closed in boxes, that I´m planning to disclosure...
Times runs though my fingers like sand ... What an Irony...Things never change ...But if it doesn`t get to an end, , it will accomplish the goal to wich this site was built ... KALIE !
Aqui nasce um espaço onde predomina o Sonho , a Busca , o Limite como conceito absoluto... A Viagem dentro e fora de nós , na qual nos encontramos e perdemos vezes e vezes sem conta , num frenesim , de mais e mais...
A Arte está e quer-se presente , vinda do âmago do nosso Potencial , ainda por alcançar , enquanto Seres Celestes ...
This is the Birth of a Space where the Dream , the Search and the Limit as an "Absolut" concept , are meant to be our Most Primary Instincts and Goals... The Trip towards foreign lands , diferent cultures , is basicly a need of the Soul , a need of Sharing the Life ,the Planet ,the Cultures , the experiences , all that we lack in our lives and feel the urge to turn them into something that makes part of us....All we know is that we want more , and more , like a merrygoround that we wish would never stop...
Art , in the forms you may possible imagine , are , and belong here , as an extension of thee most Divine part of Man Kind !
A Arte está e quer-se presente , vinda do âmago do nosso Potencial , ainda por alcançar , enquanto Seres Celestes ...
This is the Birth of a Space where the Dream , the Search and the Limit as an "Absolut" concept , are meant to be our Most Primary Instincts and Goals... The Trip towards foreign lands , diferent cultures , is basicly a need of the Soul , a need of Sharing the Life ,the Planet ,the Cultures , the experiences , all that we lack in our lives and feel the urge to turn them into something that makes part of us....All we know is that we want more , and more , like a merrygoround that we wish would never stop...
Art , in the forms you may possible imagine , are , and belong here , as an extension of thee most Divine part of Man Kind !