Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Aqui nasce um espaço onde predomina o Sonho , a Busca , o Limite como conceito absoluto... A Viagem dentro e fora de nós , na qual nos encontramos e perdemos vezes e vezes sem conta , num frenesim , de mais e mais...
A Arte está e quer-se presente , vinda do âmago do nosso Potencial , ainda por alcançar , enquanto Seres Celestes ...

This is the Birth of a Space where the Dream , the Search and the Limit as an "Absolut" concept , are meant to be our Most Primary Instincts and Goals... The Trip towards foreign lands , diferent cultures , is basicly a need of the Soul , a need of Sharing the Life ,the Planet ,the Cultures , the experiences , all that we lack in our lives and feel the urge to turn them into something that makes part of us....All we know is that we want more , and more , like a merrygoround that we wish would never stop...
Art , in the forms you may possible imagine , are , and belong here , as an extension of thee most Divine part of Man Kind !


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